I didn’t revise the paper for this journal but here is what I wanted to say: Reviewer #1: 1. This is an…
New working paper: Sea-level Rise, Groundwater Quality, and the Impacts on Coastal Homeowners
1 Mins read
Sea-level Rise, Groundwater Quality, and the Impacts on Coastal Homeowners Dennis Guignet, O. Ashton Morgan, Craig Landry, John C. Whitehead, William Anderson Abstract: Sea-level rise…
Total Economic Valuation of Great Lakes Recreational Fisheries: Attribute Non-attendance, Hypothetical Bias and Insensitivity to Scope John C. Whitehead, Louis Cornicelli and Gregory Howard Abstract:…
New working paper: The Aggregate Economic Value of Great Lakes Recreational Fishing Trips
1 Mins read
The Aggregate Economic Value of Great Lakes Recreational Fishing Trips John C. Whitehead, Louis Cornicelli, Lisa Bragg and Rob Southwick Abstract: We…
New working paper: "They doth protest too much, methinks: Reply to 'Reply to Whitehead'”
1 Mins read
They doth protest too much, methinks: Reply to “Reply to Whitehead” John C. Whitehead No 24-04, Working Papers from Department of Economics,…
From the inbox: The International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics has published the following new issue. The articles in this issue…
NORC now conducts the National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation
1 Mins read
From the NORC NOW email: $394 billion. That’s how much hunters, anglers, and wildlife observers spent on being in the wild in…
Conducting hypothesis tests with a Turnbull estimator with pooled data drives me crazy
1 Mins read
I wrote a referee comment to the effect of: Many contingent valuation method researchers use the nonparametrice Turnbull WTP estimates for hypothesis…
Understanding Bidding Behavior in Multi-unit Experimental Auctions with Latent Class Models
3 Mins read
Tanga Mohr and John Whitehead [1]Department of Economics Appalachian State University Introduction The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) is a cap-and-trade program that…